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What Package Protection Does Not Cover

Quality control

  • If the customer is unsatisfied with their product, Package Protection is not a product replacement plan and the order issue cannot be approved.
  • The customer needs to reach out to the retailer. This request may be covered under the retailer’s return policy.

Only part of the order delivered

  • If the customer ordered several items in one package but only part of the order arrived and there is no evidence of tampering, Package Protection does not cover the order issue. The customer will be referred to the retailer. 

Packages labeled "return to sender"

  • Package Protection does not cover packages labeled return to sender because the order has been sent back to the retailer. Items are returned to sender when a customer provides an invalid or undeliverable address or refuses a delivery. 

  • Package Protection does cover the customer’s order if the package gets lost in-transit back to the sender.*

Invalid address or delivery barriers

  • Sometimes carriers cannot deliver the customer’s package due to an invalid address or other unexpected delivery barriers. At this point, the carrier might return the package to the sender/retailer. The customer’s package is not actually lost, thus Package Protection does not cover this. In instances where the item is being returned to the sender and is reusable, customers will be referred to the retailer.

Input wrong address

  • If the customer entered the wrong address at the time of order, Package Protection does not cover this.
  • The customer needs to reach out to the retailer to remedy the incorrect address.

Expedited shipping hasn't arrived

  • If the customer’s package is delayed for whatever reason, Package Protection will not cover it.
  • Carriers update their website with expected delays due to inclement weather or other barriers to expected delivery.
  • If the customer paid for expedited shipping but the package arrives outside of the expected window, Package Protection will not cover it.
  • If you've paid for a guaranteed delivery service like USPS Priority Mail Express, but did not receive your order in the timeframe promised by the delivery carrier, please contact us at

Order marked as unfulfilled or unshipped

  • If the customer’s order is marked as unfulfilled or unshipped, the order hasn’t been fulfilled yet by the retailer (retailer could be low on inventory of the items, internal delays with the fulfillment center, etc.).

Too late to file

Package Protection can action an order issue that is filed within the bounds of our domestic/international timeline policy. If an order issue is filed outside of this timeline, Package Protection will deny the order issue according to these policies:

  • Order issues for packages marked "delivered" yet not received and where there is no evidence of “porch piracy” must be made 5 days after “delivery date” but no longer than 15 days to ensure it was not misdelivered or easily found around the premises."
  • Order issues for packages presumed to be lost by the carrier (where the status is not "delivered") must be filed no sooner than 7 days after the scheduled delivery date for United States domestic shipments (20 days for international shipments, including Canada unless a Canadian merchant is shipping within Canada in which case the 7 day domestic shipment timeline applies) and within 30 days from the last checkpoint.